Health of the Nervous System

Your nervous system is your lifeline. When the nervous system is functioning at its highest capacity it allows the entire body to function at a better level. This is human anatomy, this is the truth. There can be no health but health from within. By this I mean that we cannot take anything, we cannot do anything to our body itself, that will force it to heal. The only thing we can do is amplify the body's own ability to heal itself.

When looking at the way the body functions, the more I learn the more I am amazed. We know so little and yet one things stands very clearly. The nervous system is the most important part of the body. It controls everything else in the body. When the nervous system is working at it's optimal level then the communication of the body is optimal as well. Communication networks are what drives the body to work the right way. Without an organization there is no way for the body to maintain itself. A healthy nervous system is man's best bet to live a long healthy life.

I have seen this throughout my life with chiropractic care. Beginning from birth I have been checked and adjusted on a regular basis, often once per week. This regular wellness care has allowed my body to work to the best of its ability. Even through health challenges, including my kidney transplant, my regular adjustments have allowed me to exceed expectations in all areas of my life. This doesn't just include physical health but rather affects my mental quality, ability in sports, and social abilities. When I am connected everything else works better.

In today's society we are always fighting for the next cure, the next magic pill or potion to heal yourself faster, easier, and with less symptoms. As a chiropractor, I have no cure or treatment for any one condition in the body. By recognizing the body's inborn potential to heal, and furthermore, removing any interference in this ability, I avoid overstepping my boundaries and instead promote a healthy happy life free of interference.

Please follow my instagram @the.big.idea and facebook page Dr. Jason Marko at Drs. Marko Family Chiropractors for more chiropractic and healthy lifestyle tips.

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