Over-Prescribing or Under Healing?

In the United States we believe we are one of the most progressive, and adaptable countries in the world. We strive for greatness, and attempt to spread freedom to others. Unfortunately the progress we made that rapidly set us apart in earlier years has started to decrease. One of the most divisive issues is our healthcare. Throughout the years we have become more and more dependent on feeling good and quick fixes rather than correcting the cause of most health issues. Our health care model calls for treatment of symptoms and alleviation of pain rather than correction of the underlying cause. This model has us spending more than any country and receiving less benefits, including shorter lifespan, more sickness in children, and an overall less healthy society from many of our counterparts.

Death Rate in America

The United States healthcare model is broken, we are not the healthiest country, despite spending more than almost all of the countries similar to us in wealth, population, and technology. We are used to seeing health outcomes change based on new treatments and new procedures and we expect that more innovative processes keep us healthier.
Unfortunately we have been greatly misinformed. Despite the greater number of Americans on prescription drugs, greater number of surgical procedures and higher health care costs, our overall health is not improving. In fact it is worsening.

The World Health Organization ranked Infant Mortality Rate in the US as 29th out of the top 35 industrialized nations in the world. Most of Europe and Canada are all ranked higher. This is shocking and is compounded with the additional knowledge that we are 6th overall in cesarean section rate among these same countries according to Forbes. Combine the two and we see that our medical system is intervening in the birth process more frequently and having less success in maintaining our children's wellness. What these statistics show is that regardless of our expenditure on healthcare and reliance on improved procedures, it is not helping the quality of healthcare we receive.

US health quality

We focus solely on the treatment of symptoms and the alleviation of health conditions but in fact we are not curing the body of any ailment. This is a fundamental problem that we are experiencing in our society as we pay more and get less back.

C section rates

The reason for these issues can be traced back to many things. The primary one I would like to discuss is our focus on treatment of symptoms rather than correction of the cause. This can be seen in the costs we spend on pharmaceutical medications compared to other similar countries, as indicated below.

Unfortunately, after all of this expenditure, we now know that treatment is not correction of the problem. We are throwing money and medication at an issue that cannot be fixed by either.

True health only comes from removing the cause of the problem. Symptoms and the treatment of symptoms do not create truly healthy people. In our office we know that everyone is unique and experiencing different things however we also know that chiropractic is not a treatment of a symptom or a cure for one specific problem. Instead it is an avenue to promote the internal ability of your body to heal itself. This is a different message than what is normally taught in our society, and we know it.

Chiropractors argue that the root cause of most if not all of the health conditions we face in society can be traced back to a lack of proper function in the body. We look specifically at your nervous system because it is the controlling center for everything. Restore the ability to control how the body functions and healing begins.

Your body knows what to do! All you need is to allow it the ability to fully express itself. When you correct the cause of the problem, interference with your nervous system, the body naturally restores itself, regardless of health condition, or infirmity. Young people and infants express that healing ability easier and faster than adults, that is why it's important to have them checked and maintain proper nervous system function from a young age.

Adjust the cause of your health problems and allow the body to do what it was designed for. After all, the developer of chiropractic said it best. "The master of your body did not run off and leave you masterless."

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